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"Real People Don't Diet"
Affiliate Program


If you think "Real People Don't Diet" is a book worth sharing, then why not earn some extra money recommending it to others?

An "affiliate program" is just another term for "referral".  If you like "Real People Don't Diet", refer someone you know to the website, and if they purchase, you'll earn a commission as thanks for your efforts.

How do we know the sale came from you?  Simple.  You sign up for a free Clickbank account, get a special link, then share that link with others.  

When someone clicks on the link, a harmless cookie is placed on their computer that identifies YOU as the referrer.  When the sale is complete, Clickbank gives YOU 50% of the proceeds from the sale.

Since the program retails for $37, you earn $18.50 per sale.  Clickbank will send you a check or do a direct deposit every one or two weeks, depending upon the payment method and threshold you choose.  

You'll experience the most success if you've personally experienced the book and can speak from the heart about it affected your own life.  You can purchase the book through your own Clickbank link, effecitvely buying at a 50% discount, if you wish.

While we try to make our affiliate program s simple as possible, we do insist that our affiliates not engage in spam or use our copyrighted images and content for commercial purposes other than promoting "Real People Don't Diet".

Okay, ready to get started?


Here's all you have to do:

1)  If you don't have a Clickbank account, click on the link below to get started and set up your Clickbank nickname.


2)  Put the following link on your website or marketing materials:  

Replace the "xxxx" with your Clickbank nickname.

3)  Share the link with others--by e-mail, website, business card, word of mouth--whatever's easiest.

4)  Enjoy your profits!


AD #1:

Are You Tired Of Dieting And Trying To Lose Weight?  Then STOP!

"Real People Don't Diet" is the story of how one busy couple lost over 60 pounds and 8 inches of waistline in one year--without dieting!  Learn how you can do the same and still enjoy the foods you love.  It's simple, it's easy and it's NOT another "fad" diet.  No counting, no special foods, no exercises and no busting your grocery budget!


(Replace the "xxxx" with your Clickbank nickname.)

AD #2:

Are You Tired Of Dieting And Trying To Lose Weight?  Then STOP!

Pick up a copy of "Real People Don't Diet" and learn how one busy couple created a simple math strategy that helped them lose 60 pounds in one year--without dieting.  Their plan will work for your “real” life! 


(Replace the "xxxx" with your Clickbank nickname.)

AD #3:

Personal letter to your readers

If you have an issue with your weight or dieting 
then I have a great option for you.

My friend Cate and her husband came up with a simple,
workable plan that she and her husband used to shed
unwanted pounds without starving or dieting. 

Cate dropped two dress sizes but she won't tell me
how many dress sizes her husband Chris dropped....I
know it's a bunch.

They did this with three children and full schedules
of games and dance classes and all that fun stuff.

Her program is called "Real People Don't Diet" and
it's great.  She's a "real" person who found a way
for a "real" family to eat and lose weight while
not grossing out the kids!

As she says, "All you'll need to do is take simple
math, apply it to your eating habits and keep on
living your life."

So, you'd like to stop dieting and start eating, I
encourage you to check out "Real People Don't Diet"
right now.  Come swimsuit season you'll be really glad you did!

(Replace the "xxxx" with your Clickbank nickname.)


Add these images to your website or e-mails.  To make the images clickable with your affiliate link, insert the code underneath each image.

Cover Size:  340 x 525

Real People Don't Diet e-book
Right-click on the image and choose "Save As..." to save to your computer, then upload to your website.

To make image clickable:

1.  Upload image and add your affiliate link to it via your website editing software.


2.  Add the following HTML code to your web page:

<a href=""><img src="http://PATH TO YOUR IMAGE" alt="Real People Don't Diet" width="340" height="525" border="0" /></a>

Cover Size:  175 x 270

Real People Don't Diet

To make image clickable:

1.  Upload image and add your affiliate link to it via your website editing software.


2.  Add the following HTML code to your web page:

<a href=""><img src="http://PATH TO YOUR IMAGE" alt="Real People Don't Diet" width="175" height="270" border="0" /></a>

Flat Cover Size:   189 x 288

Real People Don't Diet

To make image clickable:

1.  Upload image and add your affiliate link to it via your website editing software.


2.  Add the following HTML code to your web page:

<a href=""><img src="http://PATH TO YOUR IMAGE" alt="Real People Don't Diet" width="189" height="288" border="0" /></a>

Buy Now Button Size:  250 x 150

Buy Real People Don't Diet

To make image clickable:

1.  Upload image and add your affiliate link to it via your website editing software.


2.  Add the following HTML code to your web page:

<a href=""><img src="http://PATH TO YOUR IMAGE" alt="Real People Don't Diet" width="250" height="150" border="0" /></a>


Text Links
(Insert the following HTML code into your website to create a text link)

Link #1:
<a  href="">Try "Real People Don't Diet":  Stop Dieting and Start Eating!</a>

Your link will look like this:
Try Real People Don't Diet": Stop Dieting and Start Eating

Link #2:
<a  href="">Finally STOP Dieting And Just Start Eating--And STILL Lose Weight!</a>

Your link will look like this:
Finally STOP Dieting and Just Start Eating--And STILL Lose Weight!

Link #3:
<a  href="">How I lost weight eating real food!</a>

Your link will look like this:
How I lost weight eating real food!

Link #4:
<a  href="">How you can lose weight eating real food!</a>

Your link will look like this:
How you can lose weight eating real food!

If you have any questions about our current affiliate program, simply e-mail us at office AT

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