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You may also want to bookmark this page (in Firefox) or save it to your Favorites (in Internet Explorer) so you can return should your downloading be interrupted.  

Follow the steps below to download :

1) Make certain you have the latest version of Adobe Reader installed on your computer, so you can read the .pdf files.

Left-click once on this link to view the test file:

If you can read it, then your version of Adobe Reader is working.  You're all set!

If it doesn't work, and you have an older computer, go to Start/Programs or look on your c:/ drive for the Adobe Reader program.  Open it, and then manually try to open the above file by typing in the above web address.

If it still doesn't work, then you need to download Adobe Reader by going to this web page:

2) Decide where you will keep your files.

I usually store them on my Desktop, but you may want to create a file folder under "My Documents" or off your c:/drive where you will store the e-book and bonuses.

3) DOWNLOAD the "Real People Don't Diet" main e-book.

ONCE on the link below and choose "Save As..." or "Save Target As...", depending on your browser.


4) DOWNLOAD the bonus books.

RIGHT-CLICK ONCE on each link below and choose "Save As..." or "Save Target As...", depending on your browser.

5) OPEN the documents and read or print.

Remember where you saved the files?  Go there, and you should find the six PDF files you just downloaded.

Double-click the files to open.

Select the "Print" option from the menu.

We recommend you print the documents so you can read at your leisure. You may want to take advantage of your printer's special printing options to print two to four pages on one sheet of paper (save yourself some paper and ink).



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PHONE:  518-951-8594 (voice mail available)

Our regular office hours are  Mon - Fri, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST
(We do monitor e-mail on weekends.)

Thanks again for purchasing "Real People Don't Diet".
We look forward to hearing YOUR success story!'ll NEVER have to diet again!

Keep it Real,

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