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Eat A Bean Burrito For Breakfast


I was watching a morning news show last week and heard
something funny.  They were interviewing a nutritionist that had
put one of the female anchors on a program that the nutritionist
is promoting (through a book, I think...I didn't catch the name of
The anchor told the nutritionist that she'd eaten a bean burrito
for breakfast.  The other anchors made faces, but the nutritionist
said that was a fabulous choice!
I laughed (because I love bean burritos, and I would definitely
eat them for breakfast).
I also knew WHY it was a good choice.
A bean burrito with onions and cheese has fiber, some carbs
and protein.  There's nothing like fiber and protein to keep
your systems working well, your hunger under control and your
we ight down.
I know that's why Chris and I do so well eating those Maple and
Brown Sugar Mini-Wheats every morning.  Even though there's
some sugar (gasp!), the high fiber is fabulous.  
I've found that adding a banana or side of scrambled eggs
literally keeps my hunger at bay until just before lunch.
Kashi bars work great for me when I'm on the road or doing
dance competitions.  There must be just enough protein in
the bars to work magic along with the fiber.  My favorite
flavor is the coconut with dark chocolate.  Second favorite
is the cherry dark chocolate.  Mmmm.....
So, if you're looking for one simple thing you can do each
day to switch up your eating habits, try at least one meal
a day with high fiber and protein.  Here are some more ideas:
Wheat pasta with chicken and veggies
Legume pasta with chicken and veggies
Triscuits with cheese (and apple slices)--a fave of mine
Popcorn and parmesan cheese
Steak and salad
Roast beef, mashed red potatoes with skins, green beans
You get the idea!
Try some of these combinations or make up your own.
At this past weekend's dance competition I was chatting
with some moms about yogurt (you know who you are, Jen!).
They were amazed at how much sugar you find in
yogurt, even frozen yogurt.
So why is it appealing?  Because it's "lowfat".  
It's been a while since I talked about this, but when I was
trying to lose we ight, back in early 2006, I would make a
smoothie every day with organic vanilla yogurt and strawberries,
thinking I was doing a die-it.
Instead, I gained around 5 pou nds.
I rarely eat yogurt now.  I get my calcium cereal, skim milk,
veggies and supplements.
If you're looking for a high-impact way to start losing we ight
quickly, examine all the foods you eat for high sugar content.
You might be surprised by what you find!
If it has fiber, is a "good" carb, is a veggie or it!
I try to avoid processed food as much as possible, although it's
definitely more expensive to eat that way.  Those $1 envelopes of
noodle side dishes look so appealing, until you look at the
Instead of pasta sides, I serve a pasta main dish (Ronzoni
Smart Taste, Barilla Whole Wheat, or regular) with a veggie
side.  The kids love steamed green beans!  It's better for you
than the processed foods, and about the same price when
you add it all up.
That's all for this week!  Remember, you can get tips like this
(and more) in the story of how my husband Chris and I lost
over 60 pounds combined back in 2006.  We've kept it off,
In fact, I just had to buy two new pairs of jeans because I went
down another size!  (Well, I actually bought them "gently used"
at our local Plato's Closet .)
Keep it real, and see you next time!


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