Real-Life Stuff
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Success Stories
Hi everyone, I'm back! I took
a week off...did you
miss me? :-)
We've been battling a few health issues here but everyone
is now on the mend. Amazing what some rest, water and
supplements can do.
When you're not feeling well, you can really use encouragement, so
this issue I decided to share some terrific success stories that
have come in from RPDD readers!
Before I get started, I just want to remind you to throw away your
scale, or at the very least, only weight yourself very infrequently.
I like to say that one of the keys to losing weight is to fool
yourself. Eating needs to be a pleasant experience, not a
painful one.
(If you want the secret on how to do this, you'll need to read
"Real People Don't Diet", if you haven't already. Just visit:
Same goes for weighing yourself. If you feel you're not
weight fast enough, why would you continue trying? But
then again, what exactly does "fast enough" look like to you?
Losing 5 pounds? 10 pounds? 30 pounds?
100 pounds?
Well, the fact is, you won't lose that kind of weight in a week,
month or even a year, depending on how high your goal is.
savor weight loss by noticing how differently your body looks
and how your clothes are fitting. Weigh yourself every couple
months, or once a quarter.
How motivating will it be to find you've dropped anywhere from 10
to 20 pounds every time you step on the scale? :-)
And now, on to people who've stopped dieting FOREVER and still
lost weight, the RPDD way!
First up is Mary Jackson, one of my very first readers. You
might remember my interview with her:
"I purchased the Real People Don't Diet (RPDD)
program this past
February and have to say that it is absolutely the best thing I
ever did! After having 3 children and being overweight for so
years, I knew it was time for a change. I lost 17
pounds in the
first 3 weeks -- it seemed like the weight was just melting
The RPDD plan is SO easy to implement and follow -- no special
"diet" foods, counting carbs or calories, etc. Now, after
following the plan for 9 months, I have lost 37 pounds!
I have
never once felt deprived or hungry -- it's just a matter of making
simple choices. Whenever we eat out (even fast food places!),
I can still have the foods I like. Even though the weight is
coming off slower now, it IS still coming off and I am very
motivated to lose those last 13 pounds. I highly recommend this
plan to anyone who has tried "diets" in the past only to have
them fail (because I was one of those people). RPDD has become a
way of life and I know that the weight will stay off for
One of my favorite sayings is "Don't delay, do it today!"
You'll be glad that you did."
Next is Jamie, who not only lost weight (and inches), but lowered her
cholesterol levels as well.
"I did one of those 'at-home' cholesterol checks
this morning and
reading was 181! This is down from 235 this summer.
I am SO
happy about that. Maybe I will be close to the 150 reading by
December when I go back to the doctor."
I replied to Jamie, congratulating her and asking whether she was
also on cholesterol medication. Her reply:
"I have been on medication for the
cholesterol for several years,
but have not been watching what I
eat. I have gone up and down
with the numbers for several
years. I
truly believe that it is
the eating guidelines in RPDD that has helped."
Wow. That is truly awesome.
And this is from K.Z. back in September:
"I have not lost much weight, maybe 2
lbs. However, I feel
different. I have lost inches, especially in my
belly! My
clothes fit better. I have energy. And I have not
deprived myself
of anything. When I was on
vacation, I had an ice cream cone! I
would never do that when I was dieting. I have control over my
food and my life."
Horrors! Imagine that! An ice-cream cone on
vacation! :-)
From Kathy Weise:
"I had my doubts when I started. I knew
I couldn't do this by
being rigid about anything. That's why soooo many diets
By week 2 I had lost the constant craving for sweets. I have
always had an enormous sweet tooth. This was totally amazing
to me
as I've never been able to do this before. I wasn't losing any
weight, but I felt I was eating healthier. Then in week 3, I
noticed I wasn't eating constantly - even when I was watching TV.
WASN'T WILLPOWER!...I lost 3 pounds this week. It
came off so
effortlessly that I even considered I might have some serious
disease. No. I've simply made some small changes
that are really
huge changes."
Kathy made me laugh. "IT WASN'T WILLPOWER!" Well,
thank goodness!
If most of us have to rely on willpower, we'd never get anything
accomplished! :-)
For those of you who might think RPDD is strictly an American
phenomenon, listen to Pamela Allen-Leblanc from Canada:
"I wanted to let you know that my husband has
gone from 209 to
185 lbs. since we started a few months ago. My
progress is not
as quick--but it is coming. I have lost
about 14 lbs. myself so
that's not too bad. All of my clothes are fitting looser--it's
really nice."
Nice, indeed!
Finally, let me leave you with a reaction from Bobbi right after
she read "Real People Don't Diet":
am loving this Real People Don't Diet. I can do
this. Thanks."
Hopefully you found something in the above stories that resonates
with you. No wild claims, no rabbit food, no schedules or
and no more dieting!
Get your copy of "Real People Don't Diet" today and get started
on your own story.
Write me at:
AT realpeopledontdiet.com
Thanks so much for reading. I know you're busy, and I
appreciate your time.
Keep it Real,
:-) Cate
P.S. If you're still interested in those awesome Bizzimom
fold-out planners from my close and personal friend (and fellow
mom) Tammy, get to her site and get on her mailing list:
P.P.S. My other friend Leo has a great product that will help
you slim down your debt as you slim down your body (yes, he's really
my friend from grade school and yes, he lives nearby just like
my friend Tammy I mentioned above).
Check it out and get mindful of your money BEFORE you go shopping
for gifts!
Own Your Paycheck Again
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Copyright (c) 2007 www.RealPeopleDontDiet.com and Cate Brizzell