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Stop Dieting.  Start Eating.

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Find Great-Fitting Jeans

If you're like most women in America you probably
have one or two pairs of jeans you wear all the
time, plus a bunch more pairs that either don't
fit or used to fit or you want to fit OR went
out of style a decade ago.

Since it's the time of year I live in jeans and
flip-flops, I was curious to find out which type
of jeans would look best on me. 

It really doesn't matter how much you weigh or
what body style you are.  The right pair of jeans
can make you look stunning! 

I don't watch Oprah but I found some great pages
on "right-fitting jeans" at her site.

Take a day to cruise town and find a pair that
works for you.  Hopefully they're on sale so
you can buy two or three pairs!  :-)

Here are the Oprah pages you want to explore:

Denim Do's and Don'ts

Best Jeans For Every Body

Genius Jean Makeovers

Ditch those "mom" jeans and get a pair that looks great on
you.  If you feel great about how you look, you'll be more
motivated to keep that weight off.  It's true!

The best place to find flip-flops?  Old Navy, of course!

(And don't forget you can grab a copy of "Real People Don't Diet" for
less than the price of a pair of designer jeans...)


As a follow-up to Friday's "Don't Diet Digest" about smoothies
(and how they definitely aren't slimming), I decided to check
in at Starbucks and find out how many calories, carbs and grams
of sugar are in my favorite Caramel Macchiato latte. (Not that
I get them often.  I don't.)

I was so excited!  My typical Grande Nonfat has only 190
calories, 32g of sugar and 35g of carbs.  Not for regular consumption
but not as bad as I thought.  Maybe I'll have them more often...

Oh, wait, I could buy a gallon of gas instead.  :-(


Hope you enjoy jeans-shopping for a change.  If you find a great pair
of jeans, have someone take a picture of yourself wearing them and
send it in, along with the story of how/why they fit great, where you
found them, which brand you chose, how much they cost, etc.

I'd love to feature you in a follow-up!

Keep it real, and see you next week!


Cate Brizzell signature

P.S.  Speaking of debt, you've heard me talk about my childhood
friend Leo Quinn's "get out of debt" ebook/program.  Well, he
updated it last month, so it's new and fresh and DEFINITELY what
a lot of folks need with food and gas prices rising and the
economy struggling.  Check it out here:

P.P.S.  There's a new website address for archived issues of this

Easy to find, easy to catch up!
Keep it real, and see you next week!


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Copyright (c) 2008 and Cate Brizzell

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