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The Don't Diet Digest
Stop Dieting.  Start Eating.

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Cate's Decadent Dessert



**30-Minute Quick and Authentic Healthy Italian Recipes That Will
Have Your Family Drooling and Your Neighbors Begging For the Recipe**

Over 100 recipes you can whip up that will please your tastebuds and
amaze your family.  Turn your kitchen into an Italian restaurant!  Save
money and eat healthy while you enjoy these homemade recipes from
a "real" Italian cook, Rosemary Gullo.  Download right way and get
cookin'!  Buon appetito...


I'm going to make it quick this week! 

Monday was my oldest daughter's 10th birthday
party.  Her first sleepover.  A 1950's theme.

Since her birthday is July 4, she gets ripped off
every year, so I figured her 10th birthday called
for something special.

Well, anyone who knows me realizes that when I call
myself the "anti-Martha", I'm not kidding.  Just
the thought of a theme cake, goodie bags and
party games made me want to throw up.  Who
can figure all that girl stuff out?

Well, it turned out great.  I made an LP cake,
complete with computer-printed label.  Some
scrapbooking circle cutters and punches made
it easy to decorate regular lunch bags with
1950's mini-LP's, aqua and pink dots and
oldie-but-goodie car stickers.  Each one held
a pair of bobby socks and some Double
Bubble gum.

Party games were easy once I got thinking
about it.  Hula hoop contest, the Limbo, and
Twister.  However, once I was done with the
obligatory "let's beat Mom" round of
Twister, I was in serious need of ibuprofen!

Eating healthy wasn't high on our list of
priorities, so dinner consisted of burgers,
fries and homemade milkshakes.  Coke in
glass bottles was perfect for a snack while
watching a DVD of the third season of
"Happy Days".

Overall, it was a great success, and the girls
had a great time. 

I did learn one thing, however.  Sugar definitely
makes kids hyper.  I don't think we need
studies to prove THAT.


Okay, so are you looking for that yummy dessert?

I may have mentioned it before.

It's decadent, delicious, and will NOT damage your
waistline.  This is the perfect time of year for it.

Cate's Decadent Dessert
Get some fresh strawberries.  Slice 'em up.  Add
a heaping helping of whipped cream (avoid the
kind in tubs with high fructose corn syrup).

If you like dark chocolate syrup, add some of
that, too.

Eat without guilt.

And there you have it!

That's all for this issue, because it's a short
holiday week here.

Keep it real AND enjoy Independence Day if
you're USA-based!


Cate Brizzell signature

** Finally, You Can Pay Off All Your Bills . . .
Without Pinching Pennies or Cutting Your Spending **

Would you like to begin controlling your finances,
once and for all?

Did you know that you can probably pay off all your bills,
including your mortgage, in less than 10 years without
having to pinch pennies, get a second job or cut back
your spending in any way?

It's true, and it's easier than you think.

I highly encourage you to visit Leo Quinn's website
to find out how you can do just that. He offers the best
program I've used to get rid of consumer debt. Go to:



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Also, if you wish to post this newsletter to a newsgroup or
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Copyright (c) 2008 and Cate Brizzell

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