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...It's Real-Life Stuff


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Listen to an interview with Mary, who lost 17 pounds in 6 weeks!
Great chocolate bar to try



Happy weekend!

I couldn't wait until Tuesday to send you a quick note about
Mary from South Carolina.

She e-mailed me a few days ago to let me know she'd lost
15 pounds in 5 weeks since reading "Real People Don't

"Hi Cate!  Just wanted to share my great news -- I've
lost 17 pounds now (6 weeks) and can start fitting back
into my "skinny" clothes -- yay!!! Talk about being excited
and even more motivated!!!"
--Mary from SC

I thought it would be really encouraging for my readers to hear
how she did it so I asked Mary if she would agree to be
interviewed by phone (and recorded for posterity).

She said yes!

We had a great time and talked for nearly a half-hour.

But one of my male friends suggested we should record a
shorter interview for those with smaller attention spans
(notice I said "male"...because obviously he has little-to-
no experience chatting with girlfriends about weight-loss

So Mary and I did a "quickie" and recorded that, too.

I put the interviews up on my website and am inviting
you to come on over and listen.  Listen to just one or
both, depending on YOUR attention span and time
constraints.  :-)


I think what thrilled me the most about Mary's success
was the fact she said the RPDD way of eating has
become a habit, a natural way of eating that she knows
she and her family can sustain for a lifetime.

That's truly the key to weight-loss success.  It's creating
eating habits that allow you to get to your natural
weight and stay there--regardless of your activity level,
stress level, holidays, social calendar, food preferences,
budget, etc.

So give a listen and please let me know what you think!


I took my kids to the local ice cream shop for cones on

I didn't feel like ice cream--I love the espresso nut
therapy flavor--but definitely felt like a snack.  On a whim,
I checked out the candy bars.  

I found a Hershey's Special Dark bar with only 25g of
carbs.  Can you believe it?

I've loved the Special Dark since I was a kid but never
bothered to consider it as a lower-carb snack, since
candy bars are typically not something you can eat--
ever--if you want to lose weight.

We've all heard about the recent studies that show
dark chocolate is actually good for you (something
about antioxidants).

Hmmm...let's see...dark chocolate is good for you, this
bar has only 25g of carbs, it costs just 70 cents...


I ate the entire thing and loved every minute of it.

Just a little tip for you as Easter approaches...


Thanks so much for reading.  I know you're busy, and I
appreciate your time.

If I can answer any questions for you, please drop me an
e-mail at cate AT realpeopledontdiet.com.

Keep it Real,

:-)  Cate

P.P.S.  Easter is just a week away.  If you're having trouble
staying away from the candy, then compromise.  Read the
labels and eat only the lower-carb candies you come across.
Use portion control.  Eat slowly and savor the candy.  No

P.P.P.S.  Did you do your taxes yet?  I'm starting to work on
ours today.  Anyone have hints for headache control?

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Also, if you wish to post this newsletter to a newsgroup or
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Copyright (c) 2007 www.RealPeopleDontDiet.com and Cate Brizzell

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