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The Don't Diet Digest
Stop Dieting.  Start Eating.

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Just Waiting For Oprah's People To Call My People

**The 2009 Edition Of "Real People Don't Diet" Is Finally Here!
Completely Updated, With Two *NEW* Bonus Booklets.  Stop
Dieting And Start Eating Today!**

Totally updated for 2009, the new edition of "Real People Don't Diet"
will show you how you can lose weight--and keep it off--using a simple
math strategy.
The 2009 edition also includes two new bonus booklets:  "Real People
Don't Diet Recipes"
and "Real People Don't Diet Success Stories".
Peek over Cate's shoulder as she prepares meals in her own kitchen,
proving you can eat "real" food and still lose weight.  Get inspired by other
RPDD'ers who have lost weight and kept it off--without dieting.
It's time to stop dieting and just start eating.  If you can do simple math,
you can lose weight the RPDD way!
Pick up the 2009 version of "Real People Don't Diet" today at:

Why would Oprah be calling me?
Because now I've been on TV, and as of this Sunday I'll be a talk
radio star, too.
Yesterday I appeared on a weekly cable access show called
"Schenectady Today".  It's a popular and well-run live program
produced by Ann Parillo and her terrific staff. 

Go here to see a picture of myself and the lovely Ann:
My brother lives in Schenectady so he was able to see it.  His
wife said I did just fine.  We'll see!
As soon as I get the DVD and check to make sure I didn't come
off like a dork, I'll put it on
and send you a notice, so you can view it, too.  I may even put it on
The studio was gracious enough to let my three kids tag along
for a field trip.  Here are their answers to "What was your favorite
part of Mom's TV appearance?", as noted at the dinner table:
12 year-old son:  "The coffee cake in the green room"
10 year-old daughter:  "The room with all the TV's"
8 year-old daughter:  "The makeup room"
Ah, the joys of youth.
Oprah, if you're reading this, I have some free dates coming up...

I'm also going to make an appearance on a super radio program
called "Your Money Matters" this coming Sunday, February 8.  
(My bio isn't up on their home page yet.)

The host is Marc Pearlman, a college classmate of mine and
all-around great guy.  We talked about how moms (or anyone)
can make mo-ney online, from home. 
If you recall, I sent a special e-mail out around New Year's
talking about SiteBuildIt! and building content websites as
a way to make mo-ney from home.  This interview will give
you an hour's worth of additional details when it comes to what
I've done the last 10 years in order to work from ho-me. 
If you live near Buffalo, NY you can tune in to AM 1520 Sunday night
at 8 a.m.  
Or, you can listen on iTunes Radio - Talk 24/7.
OR, you can sign up for the show's podcast on iTunes.  Just search on
"Your Money Matters".  Gotta love modern technology!
Once the show airs, you can listen to it via the website's archives:
Listen in and let me know what you think!
So do you have any plans for Valentine's Day?  I seem to recall writing
just last year about how much I was looking forward to chocolate-
covered peanuts (or peanut butter cups).  How time flies.
I think this year I'll just be happy with a caramel macchiato, non-fat and a
good Jane Austen movie.
Did you get that, honey?  I know you're reading.
What are YOU looking forward to? 
I've seen some articles lately about people who've already given
up on their New Year's resolution to lose weight.  They couldn't
stick to their diets and were somewhat resigned to the fact that this
just isn't their year. 
That only lends credence to my opinion that diets DON'T WORK.  When
you see those great commercials or ads with people who've lost
lots of pounds doing one thing or another, you always see fine print
that says "not typical results", or some such thing.
That means MOST people won't lose weight with that particular
strategy--or they won't lose as much weight as they want--or they
won't keep it off.
Ditch dieting forever and give my strategy a try.  It worked for me, and
it keeps on working for me.  I eat fast food, dine out occasionally,
enjoy carbs after 3 p.m., savor desserts and sample all the snacks
at parties.  You can do the same.
You can't everything you want when you want it in portions as big as
you want, but if you can do math and learn how to bait-and-switch
your brain, you can eat stuff you like in moderation and lose weight
without having to overdose on carrots and celery.
Don't be like everyone else.  Make this your year to lose weight--
but don't diet to make it happen.  Eat real food instead.

Have a great week and try not to think about the evil groundhog who
says we have six more weeks of winter.  Personally, I think the Phil
who saw his shadow this past week is a robot imposter, while the
real groundhog named Phil is being held captive by road salt
manufacturers somewhere in the Northeast.  :-)
Until next week--keep it real!


Cate Brizzell signature


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Copyright (c) 2009 and Cate Brizzell

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