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Stop Dieting.  Start Eating.

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The Biggest Duh Study Ever

**The 2009 Edition Of "Real People Don't Diet" At A Special Price**

Totally updated for 2009, the new edition of "Real People Don't Diet"
will show you how you can lose weight--and keep it off--using a simple
math strategy.
The 2009 edition also includes two new bonus booklets:  "Real People
Don't Diet Recipes" and "Real People Don't Diet Success Stories".
Peek over Cate's shoulder as she prepares meals in her own kitchen,
proving you can eat "real" food and still lose weight.  Get inspired by
other RPDD'ers who have lost weight and kept it off--without dieting.
Best of all, the 2009 version is at a slightly reduced price from the 2007
version.  Why?  Because the "little people" have to bail each other out.
The government sure won't do it for us.

Pick up your 2009 version of "Real People Don't Diet" today!

I'm sure you probably heard this big news story from last week:
"Study Finds Calories Count More"
If you didn't, here's a link to an article about it:
In other words:
I think most of us could've figured that out on our own.
We all know too many calories are the problem behind being overweight. 
Those extra calories aren't metabolized and turn into fat.  
The problem is:  HOW do we eat fewer calories?
If obesity in America and around the world is rising, then obviously people
are struggling with a way to consistently eat fewer calories.
Doing low-carb, low-fat, low-calories, portion control, diet centers, extra
exercise, or a combination of any of the above are just MEANS to the END,
Did we really need a major study to tell us this?
I hate to sound like a broken record, but that's exactly the problem my
husband and I solved. We knew we needed to take in fewer calories, but
struggled with a way to do it that wasn't self-defeating.  
The dirty secret no one in the weight-loss industry wants to talk about is
the fact that a temporary strategy for losing weight is just that...temporary.
If you need to lose weight, then you need to have a LIFETIME strategy for
eating fewer calories. 
Everyone's strategy will be a bit different, obviously, but before you do
anything, you need to accept the fact that whatever you do will need to
be done every day for the rest of your life.  Otherwise, you'll simply gain
back any weight you lose.
Sound impossible?  It's not.  Chris and I did it back in 2006 and we are still
at our natural weight.  We haven't gained any weight back, we continue
to eat well, and we usually eat what we want.  We've learned a lot and now, we're passing that strategy down to our kids, so they won't have to deal with weight issues like we did.
You can develop your own strategy.  You can use ours.  Just keep in mind
that whatever you do, it can't be temporary.  It has to work for you, every
I got some interesting e-mails from readers regarding last week's
newsletter about portion sizes.  Here's what Billie H. had to say:
"I weighed in this morning, down eleven pounds.  Yes, all of the stress is
still going on but (weight) is edging downward.  Yea!!
Normally to get dressed to go out, ends in staying home.  Last Thursday nite I had a meeting,  I wore the first outfit that I tried on, put my jacket and was so surprised in how loosely it fit.  What a good feeling.  I even received compliments about how nice I looked.
Your advice to stay off of the scales for one month did help a lot.  That way you don't see the yo-yoing effect.
Til next time, this is so much better than dieting..."
Thanks, Billie!  I always love hearing RPDD success stories.  Keep 'em coming!
Until next week--keep it real!


Cate Brizzell signature


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Copyright (c) 2009 and Cate Brizzell

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