There are readers of the "Don't Diet Digest" from all
over the world,
so forgive me if you aren't currently plunged into the
gloomy, five-
month long winter up here in the Northeast.
Within the last few weeks I've noticed a change in my
energy, an underlying melancholy, more aches and
pains, and just
a general malaise.
Suddenly, it came to me--it's March! And we've
had quite a difficult
winter. February was cold and dreary, and March
has been wet
and dreary. (Still cold, too.)
I did some research online and realized that I may be
a victim of
low levels of vitamin D. Whether you're
experiencing symptoms
like me or not, vitamin D is essential to your health,
so let's do a
quick run-down on what it is, what it does, and where
you can get
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. It helps
your body absorb calcium.
Most of us get our vitamin D from sunshine. Our
skin takes the sun's
rays and manufactures vitamin D naturally (isn't that
amazing?). So,
obviously, if you live here in the Northeast and you
don't see the sun
for five months at a mean, you don't see
the sun as much
as someone who lives in Florida, then chances are
you don't get
enough vitamin D.
How much do we need?
- Ages 19-50: 200 International Units (IU)
- Ages 51-69: 400 IU
- Age 70 and older: 600 IU
Once we turn 50, our skin's ability to convert vitamin D declines, so
those enjoying the second half of life need to make
sure they're getting
vitamin D from other sources. Women are especially
vulnerable, with
menopause and decreased vitamin D production resulting
in higher
risk of osteoporosis. In one study, 50% of women
hospitalized for
hip fractures were found to have vitamin D
What are food sources of vitamin D? Hold your
nose--get ready:
- Cod Liver Oil, 1 Tbs: 1,360 IU
- Salmon, cooked, 3 1/2 oz: 360 IU
- Mackerel, cooked, 3 1/2 oz: 345 IU
- Sardines, canned in oil, drained, 3 1/2 oz: 270 IU
- Milk, nonfat, reduced fat, and whole, vitamin D
fortified, 1 c: 98 IU
- Dry cereal, Vitamin D fortified w/10% of the
recommended daily value,
3/4 c: 40-50 IU (other cereals may be fortified with more or less
vitamin D)
- Liver, beef, cooked, 3 1/2 oz: 30 IU
- Egg, 1 whole (vitamin D is present in the yolk): 25 IU
Yikes. That's just a nasty list!
Thankfully, there are vitamin D supplements and fish
oil supplements
available, not to mention all-natural cod liver oil
for those who are more
If you currently use a multivitamin, check to make
sure you're getting the
recommended IU for your age group.
I've never really been bothered by the climate here
before, but I have at
least two friends that use sunlight-simulation "happy
lights" during the
winter. Another good solution!
Thankfully, spring is only about a month away...
Do you remember the special letter I sent out around
New Year's about
SiteBuildIt!, the all-in-one package I've used since
2003 to build websites
and create an online business? They were running
a 2-for-1 special, which some of you took advantage of.
Now they've just introduced eLearning, an online
course that walks students through the process of researching
their market, setting up their site, and fine-tuning their online
It's just like a distance learning college course--in
fact, SBI!'s site-building
process is currently taught in colleges and
universities like The Citadel, Penn State and Dawson College, so
the eLearning course is totally based on the actual college experience.
Instructors are "real people" who have used SBI! to
build sites and successful businesses...I have to say, I had very few
college professors who'd actually "done" what it was they were
Classes are limited to 12 students and involve
homework with videos, virtual blackboards, free conference calls
and real-time chats for classroom interaction.
Even better, you can now get a year's worth of SBI!
hosting and tools, plus the full hands-on, college-level course
for less than the cost of one course when I started college--and
that was back in 1986!
If this economy has you thinking about starting
another stream of income (and you should), if you can spare an
hour a day, if you'd like the security of guided learning--check
out the special page I created on eLearning at my new budget site:
And remember, no passing notes in class! :-)
I hope you have a great week. I have a very busy
weekend coming up--
first dance competition for my dear daughters.
And don't forget St. Patrick's Day! Both my
great-grandparents emigrated
from Ireland, so I may be celebrating a tad. I
hope you do something
"green" and fun yourself.
Until next
week--keep it real!