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Best Swimsuits For Your Body Type

**Getting A Big Tax Refund?  Use "How To Own Your
Paycheck Again" To Fix Your Finances!**

Used to be you could spend your refund on a big-screen TV or
vacation and think nothing of it.
Well, times have changed.
If you know it's time to get your finances in shape, you can't do
much better than my personal friend Leo's "How To Own Your
Paycheck Again" e-book.  Not only does it give you a slick plan
to get out of debt as fast as possible, but it also includes a handy
computer program to help you do it.  
You'll also find tips on saving and spending money, and
personal finance in general.  Leo says "The more debt you have,
the better", and he's absolutely right (you can get out of debt
faster than someone who doesn't have a lot of debt--it all comes
down to math).
If you think you've heard it all before, give Leo's book a try:

Guess what?  It's swimsuit time again!  Yes, that annual ritual has
once again arrived, when legions of women seek to find that "perfect"
suit that will play up their best features and stunningly shield what
they consider to be their body's problem spots.
(Don't shoot me--I'm just the messenger!)
Now that I've put a couple beach-going decades behind me, I've
compiled a few observations that always prove true:
--Get a suit that's age-appropriate.  No one wants to see a string
bikini on someone old enough to be your mother, no matter how
great her body shape might be.  Ditto for speedos, guys.
--Modesty IS classy.  Don't overdo your sun exposure, if you
know what I mean.
--Color matters.  I'm Irish with fair skin, and if I had an all-black
suit, I would look like death warmed over.  Try some greens, corals,
reds, pinks, and blues.  Black looks great on medium-to-dark
skin tones.  White looks great as a coverup or accent.
--Swimsuit shopping?  Bring an honest friend.
--Consider your beach activities.  Nowadays, you can get very
attractive bathing suits with features perfect for surfing, bodyboarding,
active swimming, diving and more.
--You get what you pay for.  I bought a great suit in a perfect color
that I loved one year.  It lasted exactly one year.  Bummer.  If you
want suits to last, you're going to have to pay for quality materials.
--Use delicate wash cycles and detergents.  Again, I learned this
the hard way.
--Always have a backup.  Do I really need to tell embarrassing
personal stories to get this point across?
--Look for suits that enhance your best features and camouflage
your not-so-perfect features.  Don't go for a suit that looks good
on your friend; go for a suit that looks good on you.
Puzzled as to what kind of suit will work for you?  Year after year,
I've found no better site than Lands' End when it comes to
swimsuit shopping.  Sometimes I buy their suits; sometimes I
don't...but I always find out what the latest styles are, what will
look best on me, and which colors are in season that will flatter,
not flaunt, my fair skin.
When I visited the site this morning, I found they have a special that
ends today:  buy 2 separates, get $5 off each (kids' suits, too).
Note:  I don't get any benefit from referring you to Lands' End--and
this isn't a "sales pitch".  I just want to spread the word and turn my
readers into happy swimsuit-wearers!  :-)
Notice I haven't said anything about losing weight to get ready to
wear your swimsuit.  Why not?
Because I want to encourage you to make the best of your features
no matter where you are in your weight-loss journey.  I'm hoping that
many of you that have read are
now in your maintenance phase, like me, so it may be just a matter
of toning up a bit, or losing 3-5 pounds of that winter weight to look
your best.
But if you're what?  Are you at least doing something to
work on getting back to your natural weight?  Then good for you! You'll
get there.
In the meantime, why agonize over how you look on the beach?  No one
looks like the models in the magazines--because they've been airbrushed
to begin with.  Trust me, no one's looking at you; everyone's obsessing over their own image.  It's crazy. 
Just have fun.

The swimsuit is half-empty or half-full. Which way will you choose to see
Losing weight the RPDD way...
I want to give a shout-out to my youngest brother, who recently lost 20
pounds the RPDD way.  He made a few simple, sustainable changes
to his diet and daily routine, and he looks and feels great.
He has a crazy routine because he works nights as a police officer, so
if he can do it, you can, too.
He eats scrambled eggs for breakfast and a big salad with meat and
cheese for lunch.  He does a few sit-ups every day.  I think he runs once
in a while, too--I don't think that's an everyday thing.  For dinner, he
pretty much eats what he wants, within reason.  He drinks water or
coffee with less fat and sugar.
That's it!  Nothing too radical.   But he lost 20 pounds.  And he's in his
thirties, so it's not like he has blazing metabolism going for him.
(Yeah, he was the brother featured in my vacation photos.)
Happy swimsuit shopping!  Make it fun this year...
Have a great week!


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