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Stop Dieting.  Start Eating.

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Put Down the Breakfast Burrito!
A New Option For Morning

** Finally, You Can Pay Off All Your Bills . . . Without Pinching
Pennies or Cutting Your Spending **

Would you like to begin controlling your finances, once and for all--
instead of having your money control you?

Did you know that you can probably pay off all your bills, including
your mortgage, in less than 10 years without having to pinch
pennies, get a second job or cut back your spending in any way?

It's true, it's easier than you think--and it's more important than
ever to get rid of that debt.

My friend since grade school, Leo Quinn, has an e-book, program and
newsletter that will help you do just that. He offers the best program
I've ever used to get rid of consumer debt. We paid off over $14,000 in
student loan debt in one year using Leo's advice. 

Just visit this link to learn more:

Wow!  A lot of you loved the "Skinny Chicks" book from last week.
If you read a copy, please let me know what you think.  Did you form
any new habits?  Any lessons learned?  Did it make sense to you?
If you don't know what I'm talking about, you can read last week's
issue of "Don't Di et Digest" by clicking here:

A very nice reader named Tammy e-mailed me recently to say she'd
found a new cereal that fit into her personal RPDD strategy.  She says:
"I just wanted to share with you a wonderful breakfast cereal I found...
It is the Special K Protein Plus.  It has 14 carbs per 3/4 cup with 5gr
of fiber, only 2 gr of sugar and has a lot of protein.  The flavor is very
good, flakes that are light, very slight cinnamon taste, which I normally
don't care for in cereal, but has a slightly sweet enough taste that's
fine without sugar added.  I put some fruit in it and am very happy!"

I'm picking up a box tomorrow when I do my grocery shopping.  As always,
check the ingredients to make sure you're okay with what's inside.  (I do
try to minimize artificial sweeteners, preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial colors and flavors when I can).  But sometimes the benefits far outweigh minimal amounts of those types of things.
You can find out more here:
I'll let you know what I think!  You do the same.

That's all for this week.  May and June are always our busiest months,
and I feel as though I'm constantly running...
...but the sun is shining, the grass is green, my plants are growing, and
summer has officially arrived!  :-)


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