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The Don't Diet Digest
Stop Dieting.  Start Eating.

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Down-Home Recipes from Taste of Home Magazine
Sugary Summer Beverages

Are You Trapped In A Cycle Of Guilt And Shame?  STOP!  Use
"Real People Don't Diet" To Start Eating Like A Real Person
While Losing Weight!

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and
expecting different results!

So if dieting hasn't worked for you, and your weight is all you think
about, it's time to do something different.  Right?
Try this:  no more trips to the scale, no counting or calculating or
yucky diet foods, meals and foods you enjoy without guilt, and a
slimmer, healthier you.

Sound good?  "Real People Don't Diet" will show you how to use a
simple math formula to trick your brain and create new, permanent,
healthier and slimmer eating habits.  It's a simple strategy developed
by a real-life couple that dropped over 60 pounds combined--and
kept it off ever since.
And all you have to do is eat "real" foods you enjoy!

Just a quick note this much to do!  Thankfully there are a
lot more hours of daylight now!
You've probably heard of this famous--and popular--magazine, but
I just had to give it a shout-out in Don't Die t Digest.  My mom
subscribes and passes her issues on to me (thanks, Mom!).
The magazine is called "Taste of Home", and boy, it's come a long
way in recent years.  It looks great; there are pictures of nearly
every recipe (and they make your mouth water). 
Even better, the recipes are probably the most "real" I've ever come
across.  The magazine has food editors from all over Canada and
the United States, with various backgrounds and cooking experience.
Some are older, some younger.  Some work full-time, some are 
homemakers.  Some are of the male persuasion!  Some cook for
families, some cook for two, and some are single and lovin' it.
The benefit for YOU is recipes that are usually easy-to-follow,
delicious, inexpensive and down-home healthy (most of them...there
are always a few decadent desserts).
I use some of the recipes--or adapt them--and find they fit very naturally
into my Real People Don't Die t lifestyle.  A year's subscription is less
than $20, but you'll easily recoup that by eating in more often with the
delicious meals featured in TOH.
You can subscribe here:
Taste of Home magazine

The magazine has a great website, too:
Along with, I'm using TOH's site more and
more often.
The recipes I'm trying this month?  For a treat, I can't wait to try the 
Frosty Coffee Pie.  For dinner, I want to check out the Bruschetta Pizza.
Enjoy, and as always, let me know what you think!
Summer Beverage Alert:
Watch out for those "refreshing" summer drinks that are loaded with
sugar, including smoothies and juices.  Remember that sugar
alternatives may not be optimal for your overall health, either.
There's nothing like good old-fashioned ice water to quench your
thirst and keep you sli m and tri m.  Add a squeeze and a slice of fresh
lemon, lime or orange if you want some fruity flavor.  Freeze berries
and add to your glass as ice "cubes".  
The Fourth of July (and my oldest daughter's 11th birthday) is just two
weeks away, so get grillin' and chillin'!

Until next time, "keep it real"!


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However, please do so only by sending it in full, thereby keeping
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Copyright (c) 2009 and Cate Brizzell

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