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Yes, You Can Eat Burgers!

Are You A Mom?  Looking For A Way To Work From H ome?  I've
Found It and I'm Sharing It With You...

Since 2002, I've earned pay checks every month from one, two and
now three different websites.
Did I know how to create websites when I started?  Nope.  I used an
all-in-one website-building package called "Site Build It".  I not only
learned how to build and maintain a website,  I also learned how to
successfully run an internet bus i ness.
Do you have information or experience to share?  Everyone has an
interest in something.  Build a website around YOUR interests, and
earn some ex tra mon ey in the process.
Just for moms(near and dear to my heart):
Build a site yourself:
Take the e-learning course:
Hire SBI! at-home folks to build a site for you:

After 7 years, I'm convinced there's no better, inexpensive, low-risk
way to start a business.  SBI! is the vehicle that allowed me to
quit the cubicle race and focus on my family.  Check it out for yourself!

Hi there! Did you think I went on vacation?  It's been two weeks since
I last wrote.:-)
Unfortunately, I did NOT go on vacation.  BUT we've enjoyed a lot
of busy family activity over the last couple weeks.
My 12 year-old son's all-star baseball team went undefeated and won
their district title, with my son getting some great hits along the way.  Very
exciting, except for the last three outs of the title game, which I spent
cowering in the ladies' bathroom.  Don't ask.
The girls competed one last time this dance season at our local county fair.
I'm proud to say that my oldest daughter earned first place in the 12-
and-under for her tap solo, and both girls took first place in the 12-and-
under state fair competition for their tap duo.  Their other numbers did
well, too.  
All the kids made the local paper, so I'm awash in extra copies!
Somewhere in there we managed to squeeze in a Revolutionary War
battle re-enactment in southern Vermont, which was really, really
Here's a family photo you might enjoy:
I hope you're doing fun stuff this summer, too.
Speaking of summer, it wouldn't be that time of year without some
serious BBQ'ing.  Hot dogs, burgers, chicken, steak...there's nothing
like cooking and eating outdoors!
Here are some tips for we ight and taste-bud-friendly BBQ'ing that
we use each and every year.
1)   Go easy on the sides.  Potato salad is great every so often, but
the best way to enjoy the flavors of summer is to pair your meats
with fresh veggies (steamed or grilled) and/or a salad (we prefer
spring mix, romaine or green lettuce and baby spinach).  Beans are
great, too, and when corn is doesn't get much
better than THAT!
2)  Go easy on the sugars.  I remember Kool-Aid being a tasty treat
as a kid, but really, it's nothing more than flavored sugar water.  We
won't drink sugar-substitute beverages, either, unless they're
flavored with Stevia.  Why not just drink water and flavor with squeezed
citrus?  It's cheaper, and it's better for you.  Save the sugar for
3)  Go easy on the condiments.  Check the labels of your condiments.
Amazing how much sugar and junk is in there, right?  Try all-natural
versions of ketchup, BBQ sauce and marinades.  They'll probably
contain fewer sugars and better-tasting natural ingredients.
4)  Go easy on the pasta and mayo.  Macaroni salad is delicious,
but there are other great pasta salad alternatives that are equally
satisfying.  Use whole-wheat or whole-wheat blend pasta instead of
white pasta.  Look for recipes with crunchy veggies and olive-oil
based sauces, instead of heavy mayonnaise or cream dressings.  Go
ahead and include proteins like cheese and meats (we like Hormel's
all-natural pepperoni).  Experiment until you find a recipe you like
and can make in a jiffy.
5)  Go easy on yourself.  Honestly, one of the best parts of BBQ'ing is
how easy it is to pull a meal together.  I always keep a package of
yummy, seasoned frozen burgers and burger rolls in the freezer
(we like Wal-Mart's seasoned burgers--$6 a box).   All-natural kettle
chips (healthier than regular potato chips) and some baby carrots
make great sides.  Voila--dinner in less than 10 minutes!  If you're
entertaining, make it potluck.  Everyone can bring something.
And there you have it...5 tips for making your BBQ a better-tasting,
healthier experience.  There's no better time to eat leaner and drop
a few po unds.  The weather's great (unless you live in the Northeast...
whine, whine, whine...), so take a walk after dinner and grab some
exercise, too.
"Real People Don't Die t" has lots of other great tips for summertime
eating, vacation dining and some of my personal family recipes (in case
you don't already own a copy):
Happy BBQ'ing!


Until next time, "keep it real"!


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Copyright (c) 2009 and Cate Brizzell

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