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A Thanksgiving Smorgasbord of Links, Sites and More


Hi everyone!  Can you believe Thanksgiving is tomorrow, here in
the USA?
I wanted to get this newsletter out before I head into the kitchen to
make pumpkin pies.
I have a collection of useful info, links, etc. for all of you that I've
been collecting the last couple weeks.  Enjoy!
Going out shopping on Black Friday?  I've compiled a list of the most
popular Black Friday ad preview sites, links to stores, online
shopping, and more.  Go here:
Planning on wearing spandex Thanksgiving Day?  Here's a list of 10
Foods To Help You Lose Weight (#5 is especially precious to me!):
Ever wonder how Thanksgiving got started, anyway?  The History Channel
has the answer:
Mother-in-law coming over, and not sure how to cook that turkey?  One
of my favorite cooking sites offers quick and easy how-to videos, as well
as fabulous, easy recipes:
I've mentioned Gooseberry Patch cookbooks and recipes in several
of my newsletters.  I still cook at least two of their recipes every week
(especially the crock pot ones).  This weekend they're offering free
shipping on orders over $25--get your cookbooks before Christmas!
Not sure you can pay for Christmas?  Get a plan in place to handle
your debt, and then set yourself free to enjoy the holidays.  My childhood
friend Leo has a "get out of debt" plan that ALWAYS works.  (One of
the pies I'm baking today is for him--I always bake him a birthday pie.)
Ready for 2010?  I've mentioned this many times before, too, but you
really should check out my friend Tammy's Bizzi2Go planners.  They
have fold-out pages that make keeping track of life much, much easier
for busy families.  Even my dad uses one (he's retired, but somehow
fills in all those squares).
Remember how I wrote about the best way to start an online business?
It's with content websites.  Take a topic or hobby you know something
about, share that information with others on a website, and earn some
revenue in exchange for your expertise (a win-win situation).  The site-
building package I use is called SiteBuildIt!, and they're offering a
Thanksgiving special:
And finally...drum roll, super-secret Pumpkin Pie recipe:
1 box Pilsbury pie crusts
1 large can Libby's pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie mix, just pumpkin)
Follow directions on can to make 2 9-inch pies
**Sprinkle nutmeg on top before cooking** (that's my secret)
Serve with real whipped cream
That's really all there is to it.
For those of you celebrating tomorrow: Happy Thanksgiving!

Keep it real, and see you next time!


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Copyright (c) 2008 and Cate Brizzell

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